How To Make Yam Red Bean Cakes?

As we all know that yam is good for female friends and red beans are also worthy of women eating as well as there are various kinds of red bean cakes being sold in the markets day by day, so what about making them together?If you are interested in this topic, please follow me and let me inform you of the following methods of making yam red bean cakes as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare yam 500g, red bean paste 100g, jujube paste 10g. Wash the appearance of yam till clean and then use paring machine to scrape the peel of yam as well as people should wear gloves when making.

Secondly, pour appropriate clear water into a steamed pot and put clean yam into it as well as steam for around 20 minutes, later, use chopsticks to insert yam, if it is very easy, this means that yam become very sticky. Till yam is slightly cooled, put yam mud above preservation film and pack yam mud as well as use preservation film rod to hit it into muddy. Meantime, continuously fold yam mud so as to make sure no hard lumps.

Thirdly, pack appropriate yam mud with red bean paste and knead it into round dough as well as put it into the mould. Press it tightly and move it downward as well as knock the table till yam red bean cake drops out. Next make the same yam red bean cakes according to the all above steps,

In sum, might as well make them for yourself and your family if you really like so that all of you can have a pleasant eating time.

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