The Making Methods Of Lotus Cake

Lotus cake is originated from egg crisp cake and its color and shape are like lotus, so are you interested in making it for yourself and your family?If yes, please follow me and let me keep you informed of the making methods of lotus cake as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare flour 500g, cooking oil 250g, 5 eggs, baking powder 15g, white sugar 750g, malt sugar 150g, honey 100g.

Secondly, pour flour into a basin and break eggs into this basin as well as add appropriate clear water to it, them mix them together and knead it into dough. After 5 to 6 minutes, put this dough above chopping board and use rolling pin to roll it into large piece as well as cut it into long strips with the length of 6cm and moderate thickness, next pour appropriate cooking oil into a pot and heat it till hot as well as put these long strips into this pot, then fry them till beige and get them out of this pot.

Thirdly, pour malt sugar, honey and white sugar 250g together into a wooden dipper and turn on the fire as well as stew them into thick liquid, then put fried long strips into it and evenly stir them as well as put wooden frame model above chopping board, next smear a little oil above it and pour long strips into it as well as use hard axis hammer smeared with oil to roll and press them, meantime, sprinkle white sugar 500g above it and use axis hammer to roll it flat. After that, put it above the ovenware and bake them for 2 to 3 minutes. Later, cut it into small chunks with the thickness of 3 to 4 cm.

In sum, might as well make it as fast as you can if you really want so that you can have a pleasant eating time.

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