The Making Methods Of Watermelon Peel Cold Tea

Have you ever drunk watermelon peel cold tea in daily life?What do you think of this kind of tea?Are you curious about it?Watermelon peel cold tea is a kind of drink mainly made from watermelon peel and has the functions of clearing summer heat, detoxifying and diuresis as well as is one of the ideal and heat clearing drinks in summer, so do you want to make it in summer?Next let me introduce the making methods of watermelon peel cold tea to you as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare watermelon peel 50g, 10 granules of lycium barbarum, appropriate rock candy.

Secondly, use clear water to soak lycium barbarum till soft in advance and cut the red melon meat part of watermelon peel as well as cut the green appearance of watermelon peel again, then cut watermelon peel into diced for preparation. Next put diced watermelon peel and lycium barbarum together into a pot and add clear 2L of clear water to this pot as well as heat it till boiled, after that, turn on the small fire and boil them for 20 minutes as well as turn off the fire, cool them down.

Thirdly, filter out diced watermelon peel and lycium barbarum and add appropriate rock candy to this watermelon peel cold tea in a big bowl according to your own taste, so the whole processes are finished making.

All in all, might as well make this watermelon peel cold tea as fast as you can if you want so that all of you can happily enjoy drinking it.

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