How To Make Spicy Beancurds?

Spicy beancurds are very popular and most people are fond of eating this dish, so do you want to make it for you and your family?If yes and you are interested in this topic, please follow me and let me inform you of the following methods of making spicy beancurds as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare appropriate beancurds and cut them into diced, cut beef into minced, some making ingredients include thick broad-bean sauce, salt, liquor, dry red crushed chili, green garlic, bruised ginger, paprika powder, water starch, soy sauce, a little sugar and so on.

Secondly, pour appropriate oil into a pot and turn on the big fire as well as heat it till hot, later, add thick broad-bean sauce, salt, liquor, dry red crushed chili, green garlic, bruised ginger, paprika powder, minced beef to this pot, then stir-fry them and add diced beancurds to it, turn on the small fire and boil them till boiled.

Thirdly, after boiled, turn on the big fire and add a kind of sauce well made from water starch, sugar, liquor, aginomoto, soy sauce to it as well as make them evenly mix with diced beancurds, then turn off the fire and the whole processes are finished completely. After that, sprinkle paprika powder above and you can taste this delicious dish as much as you can.

Last but not least, might as well make it as fast as you can so that all of you can enjoy a pleasant eating time with your family or friends at any time.

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