Protein That Can Determine Figure Was Found

According to the Daily Mail in the British reported on March 9, a new research carried out by the Edinburgh University was published in the magazine called Diabetes. It was claimed that scientists have found a kind of protein that can determine the figure. This protein played a key role in determining the manner and location of fat stored in body. For example, fat accumulated in buttocks can be called pear-shaped style while fat accumulated in abdomen can be called apples-shaped style.

New research found that the proteins with the number of 11BetaHSD1 had more proportion in unhealthy people’s body. This group people were greatly easily suffered from heart disease. A number of studies have found that fat accumulated in internal organs was more risker than that accumulated in buttocks because that fat in internal organs can release more acid matter, which increased the risk of being suffered from heart disease and hypertension. In contrast, for people who had healthy body type such as pear-shaped, the content of 11BetaHSD1 was lower. Therefore fat stored in the hips was secure source of energy.

Dr. Moulton, who comes from Cardiovascular Science Centre in University of Edinburgh, says the new research brings a new dawn for follow-up study, which is contribute to understand why some fat in body is harmful to health while other fat is secure.

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