Two Factors Will Affect Solid Wooden Furniture

Natural sense of beauty
As is known to all, there is no the same tree in the world so that it is impossible to find the two same furniture raw materials at all aspects such as color, texture and so on. Therefore you would notice that almost all the furniture products, especially the wooden furniture, have their own characteristic. With different colors, different textures and different other natural trail, you would find the different natural sense of beauty of them.

At the beginning, the content of moisture contained in wood would be higher than 50 percent, in order to manufacture these wooden raw material into wooden furniture, they should be baked so as to reduce the content of moisture. The goal is to keep all the wooden furniture at room with normal temperature. However, with the temperature change at home, the wooden furniture would change the moisture with air continually, which just like human skin. Under the dry environment, wooden furniture would be shrunk because of lacking moisture. On the contrary, with the temperature increase at home, wooden furniture would expand because of absorbing the enough moisture.

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