One Wrong Viewpoint on Solid Wooden Furniture

As is known to all, the pure solid wooden furniture are made from the solid wooden, therefore there is no edge banding processing and you can clearly see the wooden texture at both the cross section and vertical section. For a long time, the color of pure solid wooden furniture would become more and more deeper.

When looking at the so-called pure solid wooden furniture at home, if only some parts of characteristic accord with the feature introduced above, which means you are swindled because maybe your furniture are made from panel. If you notice that there is edge banding, even if you can find the unique natural texture with cyan color, in most cases, these furniture would be the solid wooden veneering furniture.

In daily life, too many people would have the wrong viewpoint that the whole the solid wooden used as raw material, the better quality of solid wooden furniture. In the northern parts, because of the dry climate, wooden furniture are easy to be out of shape and crack, the larger wood raw material, the easier to crack, in order to avoid such terrible situation, lots of solid wooden furniture manufacturer would cut the whole solid wood into numerous small size pieces.

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