The Advantages Of Eating Sea-tangle

Sea-tangle is a kind of vegetable with very high nutritive value and also has certain medicinal value as well as is loved by people from the past to the present. Next let me keep you informed of the advantages of eating sea-tangle as much as i can.

Beautify skin and lose weight, prolong aging. Drinking sea-tangle juice can beautify skin and taking a shower by using a kind of soup juice decocted by using sea-tangle can moisturize skin and make skin fresh and tender. Besides, plenty of dietary fibers are contained in the sea-tangle and can increase the satiety feeling of obese people as well as sea-tangle fat content is very low. Meantime, sea-tangle quantity of heat is also small,so it can be as a kind of good food for obese people losing weight. On the other hand, abundant Calcium, Iodine elements are contained in the sea-tangle and are helpful for the composition of thyroid hormone. After eating sea-tangle, this can not only beautify skin, but also can have the effect of prolonging aging.

Improve immunity and suppress tumour. Eating sea-tangle can improve the humoral immunity of human body and promote the cell immunity of human body. Furthermore, rich Se element is also contained in the sea-tangle and has the effect of preventing cancer.

Reduce pressure and fat. Sea-tangle amino acid, kali salt, calcium element can reduce body’s absorption of cholesterol, so body blood pressure can be reduced in some degree. At the same time, sea-tangle contains a lot of
unsaturated fatty acid and food fiber and they can clear cholesterol stuck on the blood vessel walls, make intestines and stomach smooth as well as promote the excretion of cholesterol.

In addition to the all above points, there are also other advantages of eating sea-tangle worthy of attention, such as preventing cardiovascular disease, goiter and so on.

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