How To Make Cucumber Wine And Cucumber Honey Milk Facial Mask?

Do you like to eat cucumber in daily life? Are you interested in using cucumber to make facial mask? If yes and you want to know more, please follow me and let me keep you informed of the following methods of making cucumber wine and cucumber honey milk facial mask as much as i can.

In regard to the cucumber wine facial mask, well prepare cucumber 1,000g, vodka 200ml and glycerinum. Cut cucumber into slices and add vodka to these cucumber slices as well as store them in the shade for two weeks. After that, take out cucumber slices and filter them till clean as well as leave cucumber wine for preparation. Then pour cucumber wine into a bowl and add a mixture 20 ml made from the same scale of water and glycerinum to this bowl as well as adequately mix them together. Next use degreasing cotton to fully dip cucumber glycerinum juice and smear on the faces for 30 minutes, later, clean faces.

As for cucumber honey milk facial mask, well prepare cucumber, milk powder, honey, salt and plastic wrap. Clean cucumber and cut it into small chunks as well as put a small amount of milk powder, honey, salt and small cucumber chunks into a blender to stir into cucumber mud. Then add flour to this cucumber mud till sticky and thick and evenly stir them together, next smear this cucumber honey milk facial mask on the faces after washing faces, take out a piece of plastic wrap to pack the whole faces and small holes should be digged out at the eyes and nostri as well as lie on the bed for 20 minutes, later, strip off plastic wrap and use clear water to clean faces.

All in all, make them for yourself if you want according to the all above manufacturing methods and hope you can keep beautiful every day.

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