What’s The Best Breakfast?

Do you have the habit to eat breakfast? Breakfast is closely bound up our health, and we should pay more attention to breakfast, and do you know what is the best breakfast? Today let me keep you informed as much as i can.

Firstly, drink water before eating breakfast. People are in a kind of physiologic water deficiency condition after getting up due to the consumption of plenty of moisture through a night of sleep, so drinking cool boiled water of 500 to 800 ml to supplement enough moisture and clean intestinal tract is good for our health, but remember not to drink too much water before eating breakfast.

Secondly, supplement fruits when eating breakfast. Fruits are the rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C as well as contain vitamin B complex, fiber and mineral substances, which can not only improve our appetite but also can promote intestinal tract movement and maintain body acid and alkaline balance. Besides, eating fruits can also make people have a good skin, so we can choose to eat rice porridge together with green vegetables or eat insalata cruda, ham sandwich along with cuke, as well as we can eat an apple, orange or half a banana after eating breakfast, which will be even better for our health.

Thirdly, do not take in too much quantity of heat when eating breakfast. The intake of quantity of heat of breakfast is different according to the different body types and ages, however, it is quite appropriate to take in the quantity of heat of 400 to 500 calories, which is around one fourth of needed quantity of heart one day, and we should try to supplement a lot of sugar.

In addition to the above points, there are also other breakfasts worthy of our attention, such as cereal rootstock type, dairy products, etc.

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