How To Choose Sweetmeats For Children?

Eating too much sugar is bad for children’s body, which easily leads to decayed teeth and obesity, and sweetmeats can increase the feeling of satiety, which affects the intake of normal food, and even worse condition is that most of sweetmeats sold in the markets are added synthetic sweeteners, which does harm to children’s body. Besides, it is not that children can not eat sugar but we need to control the intake of sugar, and sugar in our daily diet is also divided into many categories, so we should even more choose appropriate sugar for children. The following contents are the methods to choose appropriate sweetmeats for children.

Firstly, white sugar. It is a kind of the commonest sugar that can be seen and widely used in our daily life, and it is the refined sugar made from molasses squeezed out from sugarcane and sugarbeet. Besides, it has a pure sweet taste and has a high saccharinity. Although it is safe and nontoxic, eating too much white sugar will increase the risks of diabetes, obesity, B vitamin deficiency and calcium deficiency, etc. I suggest that the intake of white sugar had better not exceed 10% of total energy of daily meals, and children should not exceed 30g when eating it every day.

Secondly, brown sugar. In fact, brown sugar and white sugar are born in the same root, and brown sugar is made from molasses through simple treatment and concentrated formation after being squeezed out from sugarcane, and its saccharinity is not high than white sugar. Furthermore, it is mixed with lots of vitamin and mineral substances from sugarcane, such as potassium, calcium, iron and so on mineral elements, and it has too much nutrition than that of white sugar. The most important point worthy of your attention is that it is not good to eat too much brown sugar though it is good enough.

Thirdly, honey. It is the mixture of fructose, glucose and saccharose, and it also contains very high water content and infinitesimal mineral substance. Moreover, fructose is the sweetest monosaccharide, so the saccharinity of honey is quite high, and I believe that children within 1 year old should not eat honey so as to avoid allergy as well as children beyond 1 year old should eat less.

In addition to the above points, there are also other sweetmeats worthy of your attention, such as bonbon, glucose, newtol and so on. Please remember all above significant information in order to choose appropriate sweetmeats for children.

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