Tips About How To Maintain Wooden Furniture

Nowadays, there are too many types of home furniture in the furniture shopping center, however, as for lots of people, they are more likely to select the wooden furniture because as is known to all, the wooden furniture will give people the feeling of solid and what’s more, it is easy to create a warm home atmosphere with the decoration with wooden furniture. But one hot topic is that do you know how to buy and maintain wooden furniture? In the following article, tips about how to maintain wooden furniture are introduce in detail, I hope it would be helpful to my reader.

Firstly, avoid direct sunlight. The sunlight in autumn is not as strong as that in the summer, however, it is not right to put wooden furniture under the sunlight for a long time because the wood is too dry itself, with the direct sunlight, it is easy to crack and fade away at parts of furniture surface.

Secondly, prevent dust. Some high-end raw wooden furniture such at that made from rosewood teak, oak, walnut and so on always have fine workmanship carved decoration. Therefore it is important to clean dust at fixed periods, otherwise there would be lots of dust in the small gap, which not only affect the appearance of wooden furniture, but also become the hidden killer to make wooden furniture age rapidly.

Thirdly, keep moisture. The moisture of wooden furniture should not rely on water, in other words, it is not enough to wipe furniture with wet cloth to keep moisture, on the contrary, it is better to choose the professional furniture care and essential oils, which contains natural orange oil which is more likely to be absorbed by the wood fiber so as to keep the moisture in the wood. By this way, the wooden furniture is not easy to be out of shape and at the same time they look like more glorious, which is useful to extend their service life.

Fourthly, avoid scratch by hard object. When cleaning the house, not to make hard object to touch the surface of wooden furniture and in daily life, it is important to avoid scratch by hard objects such as metal made objects and so on.

Fifthly, not to place wooden furniture at the too damp environment. For a long time under too damp environment, wood will expand because of the wet environment. For example, sometimes the drawer of wooden furniture can’t be pulled out easily.

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