The Category Of Links Of London Jewelry

Are you interested in links of London jewelry? Do you know the category of it? Today let me keep you informed of the category of links of London jewelry as follows.

The links of London jewelry can be divided into jewelry and watch, and the most classical product of links of London jewelry is the series of Sweetie, and the series of bracelet was launched in 2002. Besides, the inspiration of the series of jewelry came from the traditional candy of British children, and the Sweetie adopts the image of string color of loops of sugar, and variety of novel pendants remind people of warm and sweet childhood memories.

Furthermore, the series of Sweetie bracelet has a good moral of the nature of people’s love. The First lady who is America Michelle Obama often wears Sweetie bracelet when attending public activities, and the famous British singer Eric Clapton regards the series of Sweetie bracelet as the birthday gift for her daughter, and the links of London jewelry will launch the brand-new series of Sweetie bracelets, which uses different spar and ceramic to create the new style. Meanwhile, it is matched with a series of different styles of pendants to create surprise with rich change constantly.

Moreover, the links of London jewelry has experienced for 20 years from 1990 to 2010. In order to commemorate this milestone moment, the links of London jewelry is special to launch the series of 20/20 Jewelry with unique form and closely linked to three ring. In addition, the outline of jewelry is very delicate, and it has the fashion atmosphere and symbolizes the eternal life, and this series of jewelry adopts three materials for you to choose, such as the pure silver, rose gold and gold.

What’s more, the series of capital watch brings a charming amorous feeling of the street of London city, and it is made by adopting the raw materials of stainless steel and rose gold, and it will be a wrist necessary item of many urban people.

In the end, I hope that all above important information can be useful and helpful to all of you. Thanks!

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