Some Suggestions On How To Choose Bamboo Floor

On the one hand, with the rapid development of Chinese economy and society as well as the gradually improved living standards of Chinese people, more and more people in China are paying much more attentions to their present lifestyle. On the other hand, a lot of various and different cultures have already come from foreign countries since the People’s Republic of China carried out and executed the opening and reforming policy. Thus, more and more people in China would like to chase a kind of healthy and fashionable lifestyle which can reflect and reveal their social status and lifestyle as well as their own personal taste by means of purchasing or using plenty of famous decorations and healthy floors with world-famous brands in recent years in China. So, let’s learn something important about some suggestions on how to choose bamboo floors as follows.

As we all know, the materials of bamboo floor are usually very firm and stable as well as very thick. Also, these kinds of bamboo floors are also not afraid of being touched with water. However, these kinds of bamboo floors are usually afraid of being scratched.

First of all, we should observe and see various features and textures of these kinds of bamboo floors. Besides, the color differences of bamboo floors are usually a little small because the growing radiuse of bamboo floors is usually so smaller than common trees, so they are not too seriously effected by sunshine and there are usually not the obvious color differences among all the bamboo floors. And there are lots of rich and abundant natural textures on the surface of bamboo floors and they are usually very uniform. If bamboo floors you choose or purchase are not full of all the original and excellent features mentioned just now, you maybe purchase the fake bamboo floors.

Secondly, we should observe and see bamboo floors carefully when choosing them and then confirm whether or not they are environmental protection. Just as we acknowledge that as of the strengthened wood floors, the standard which can adjust and judge whether or not the floors are environmental protection is mainly the releasing quantity of the formaldehyde. If the releasing quantity of the formaldehyde is less than the E0 standard, namely, the releasing quantity of the formaldehyde is less than the 0.5mg/L, the bamboo floors which you choose and purchase are safe. Otherwise, the bamboo floors which you choose and purchase are very dangerous and they will do terrible harm to the health and life of your families.

Thirdly, we should pay much more attentions to the brand of bamboo floors which you choose or purchase. The meaning of a famous brand is not absolutely lower the well-known high reputation of this brand, and a well-known and extraordinary as well as successful brand possesses not only the high reputation among its similar industries, but also the firmed and stable psychological connection with its reliable consumers in the end. Thus, as for our consumers of bamboo floors, we should choose famous and well-known large brand, which will bring us lots of protection and guarantee in quantity as well as serving aspects when we are choosing bamboo floors.

In addition, we really hope that all the important suggestions and information mentioned above can be useful and helpful to all of you. Thanks!

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